This process describes configuring FalconStor StorSafe CentOS 8/RHEL to function on single VIOS when moved from dual VIOS.
Once your VM is moved from dual VIOS to single VIOS, your next power-on will give you an error similar to the one below:
- Enter your root password to login
- Navigate to the multi-path location using the command
cd /etc/multipath
- Clear the 'WWIDs' and 'mpath' entries on the files as below
- Edit the 'bindings' file using an editor of choice for example
vi bindings
- Remove all the lines that start with mpath*
- Save changes and quit
- Edit the 'wwids' file using an editor of choice for example
vi wwids
- Delete all lines below "Valid WWIDs:"
- Save changes and quit
- Reboot your VM
After reboot the errors you were seeing should be resolved, If you encounter any issues in this procedure please reach out to Skytap Support for further assistance.
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