Extended Security Updates (ESU) is a program available for customers who need to run legacy Microsoft products beyond the end of support date. This program allows for critical security updates to be received from Microsoft for up to 3 years after the product's end of Extended Support date.
Does Skytap offer ESU support?
Being a part of Microsoft's Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) program, Skytap can license eligible Microsoft products for our customers. This includes supported Windows Server and a subset of Microsoft software applications and services.
At this time, ESU support is not supported through Microsoft's SPLA program. As a result, Skytap cannot license any software that has gone beyond the Extended Support date.
What are my options?
Customers can contact Microsoft regarding their Software Assurance program and what options may exist around ESU support for the software in question. Alternatively, you can upgrade your existing system to an updated version of the software. Please contact Skytap Support to confirm we are able to license the new version and update our tracking of licensing accordingly to ensure ongoing compliance.
Reference links
- Licensing in Skytap: https://help.skytap.com/licensing-guest-os.html#licensing-the-guest-os
- What is the Extended Security Update program: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/faq/extended-security-updates
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