Skytap allows customers to pin their individual Power VMs to a host in select regions. When a VM is pinned, it will always use the same host serial number and LPAR ID, regardless of whether the VM is running or powered off. This feature can help customers in a situation where software licensing relies on the host serial number or LPAR ID to remain static.
When you start a pinned VM for the first time, Skytap assigns the VM to a host, and records both the host serial number and the LPAR ID to ensure that every time the VM is turned off and back on again, it always runs on the same host with the same LPAR ID. It is important to pin a VM before you apply any licenses that require a static host serial number or LPAR ID.
Additionally, when the VM pinning feature is enabled for a Power VM, resources required for that Power VM are reserved to guarantee resource availability. As a result, customers with pinned VMs will continue to be billed for those resources, regardless of the VM's run state.
VM Pinning is not a feature available in all Skytap Regions. Please refer to the VM Hardware Settings page for your respective VM to confirm if the pinning feature is available.
Reference Links:
VM pinning:
Skytap Introduces Power VM host pinning:
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