By default, Skytap enables time-sync on each VM. When time-sync is enabled, Skytap sets the time in the virtual BIOS of the VM to the current UTC time every time the VM is started from a suspended or powered-off state. The VM operating system then takes the time from the BIOS and localizes it for the time zone set in the VM.
When time-sync is enabled, we recommend that you use VMware Tools or NTP to keep the VM operating system synchronized with the BIOS.
Is the Windows time service running?
The Windows Time Service (W32Time) is responsible for time synchronization. First of all, make sure this service is running:
Using Powershell:
- Get-Service W32Time | Select-Object name,status
Using CMD prompt:
- w32tm /query /status
The output of the w32tm command should show where the VM is syncing time from. e.g
Is there a Domain Controller (DC) in the environment?
It's possible that the DC and Skytap's time-sync setting may be conflicting, causing either application or login issues. If you have a DC in the environment and wish to use that for default time synchronization, then the Skytap Time sync option should be disabled and set to "custom".
- If the VM is running, shut it down
- Click on the gear icon for the VM to enter the VM hardware settings
- Scroll down to the "VM &Guest OS" section
- Under "Time sync", click the pencil icon and change the option from "Automatic" to "Custom" and click "Save" (Do not enter a value in the "BIOS Clock" field unless you wish to set a fixed time)
Does the environment have outbound Internet access disabled?
If outbound internet traffic is disabled, the VM may not be able to synchronize its time. This option can be found in the Network settings of the environment:
You can confirm if the VM is syncing time by checking the "Date and Time" settings -> Internet time:
You may also try syncing time with a different (Internet) server by clicking "Change settings":
Reference Links
- Editing VM BIOS clock sync settings:
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